Mallory's Angora Bunny

by Mallory

My name is Mallory and my bunny's name is Bo. I just got him a few days ago, and my friend Beau (weird right?) brought his golden retriever over to play with my bunny. Bo ended up attacking the retriever, and the dog killed the bunny. Bo is dead. Beau is laughing.

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Aug 27, 2012
how cruel!!!!
by: Anonymous

are you serious! this is not even funny. do the world a favour and do not get another pet until you learn to care for one! how could you let that happen to a beautiful defenceless rabbit... people like you disgust me!!!!!

Jun 26, 2012
Not smart at all
by: Anonymous

That is stupid. Never, ever let a bunny near a dog unsupervised unless the dog is extremely trustworthy and the bunny and dog are already acquainted. My dog had known my bunny since she was four weeks old (she's one now) and I still have to be wary when they are together, and my dog is very sweet and calm and trustworthy. Anyone who reads this, please read my story (my bunny Echo) and comment! Thanks!

Nov 05, 2011
Poor, poor, Mallory
by: Anonymous

I feel for your your lost,
But really what the hell where you thinking of. No matter how old you are, please do the world a favor don't get an other pet until you grow up.

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